Journée sur l’activité physique en kinésithérapie
Le service de kinésithérapie des Hôpitaux Robert Schuman a […]
Therapeutic physical activity contributes positively to the treatment and management of many chronic diseases.
The Fédération Luxembourgeoise des Associations de Sport de Santé (FLASS) manages the Sport-Santé label which promotes therapeutic physical activities offered in Luxembourg to people with chronic diseases.
Sport-Santé presents you the absolute benefits that therapeutic physical activity has to the health of people who suffer from various chronic diseases.
Find below the therapeutic physical activities offered by FLASS members for many chronic diseases. Don't hesitate to ask your medical doctor for more advice.
Le service de kinésithérapie des Hôpitaux Robert Schuman a […]
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Tickets: Gospel Stëmmen fir d’Santé Mentale Joignez-vous à nous pour […]
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Description de la FLASS : La Fédération Luxembourgeoise des […]
The Association Luxembourgeoise des Groupes Sportifs pour Cardiaques offers more than 20 hours of therapeutic physical activity each week which are supervised and secured by professionals.
Click on the video to see the testimony of one of its members.
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